Xunantunich and Cave Tubing Tour with St. Leonard’s Tours

Get ready for an epic full-day adventure that combines all the best things to do in Belize into one day! I’m stoked that I got to partner with St. Leonard’s Tours and experience the Xunantunich Mayan Ruins, Cave Tubing and Cave Exploring all in one day. This is the perfect tour to do when you are visiting San Ignacio, Belize. The Xunantunich and Cave Tubing tour highlights the incredible geography of the region, impressive Mayan history, and mesmerizing cave systems. St. Leonard’s Tours provides unparalleled customer service, fun and knowledgeable guides, and a tour unlike any other operator in the area. Keep reading for a complete review of the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing tour.

Jaguar Paw Cave System Belize

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Why I recommend St. Leonard’s Tours in San Ignacio Belize

I was thoroughly impressed with my Xunantunich and Cave Tubing tour with St. Leonard’s Tours. From the moment he picked me up in the van, our guide Elio created a welcoming, fun and informative tour experience. The tour ran seamlessly and even though it was a long day, I never felt bored. I really appreciated that our guide made an effort to know each person on the tour, call us by our names and even throw some jokes in our direction. Elio answered every question we threw at him and demonstrated a high understanding of Mayan history as well as an expert knowledge about the Jaguar Cave System and natural surroundings. I felt completely safe following Elio’s lead and it was one of the best tour experiences I’ve had.

In addition to the excellent customer service, the main reason why I recommend booking the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing tour with St. Leonard’s Tours is because you get to explore so much more of the caves than other tour groups. Most groups float in their tubes the whole time, but Elio took us on a side adventure that ended up being my favorite part of the day. We got to spend an additional hour swimming and climbing deeper into the cave system. Here we found Mayan artifacts and got to see impressive crystal formations and Stalactites and Stalagmites.

Cave Tubing Belize

How to Book the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing Tour

You can search for the perfect tour on St. Leonard’s Tours website and make your booking. In addition to the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing tour they also offer horse back riding to the Xunantunich Ruins and customizable tours depending on your needs. The best place to stay when booking these tours is in San Ignacio, Belize. If you are staying here they will pick you up from your accommodation for free. If you are staying in Belize City they can definitely still accommodate you, but there will be an additional transportation fee. It will be the best Belize excursion that you do!

Book Your Tour Here

What to expect on the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing Tour

This tour is the best way to explore mainland Belize in one day. The adventure begins when you get picked up from your accommodation around 730 am. From San Ignacio it is a short 15 minute drive to the first stop of the day, Xunantunich Ruins.

Xunantunich Ruins

Arriving to the Xunantunich Ruins

In Belize fashion, arriving to the Xunantunich Mayan Ruins requires a quick ferry ride across the Mopan River. Then we drove a little further to the main entrance of the ruins. Elio gave each of us an icy cold water bottle and we had a chance to use the restrooms. You will spend about 2 hours walking around the ruins and there is minimal shade so definitely wear sun protection and I recommend running shoes or hiking sandals.

Xunantunich Brief History

The Mayan civilization at Xunantunich flourished primarily during the Classic Period, which spanned from approximately 250 to 900 AD. The name Xunantunich means “Stone Woman” in the Maya language, derived from a local legend about a ghostly figure that appears near the site’s main pyramid. The most prominent structure at Xunantunich is El Castillo, a massive pyramid that rises about 130 feet above the surrounding jungle. Unfortunately, the Mayans had to evacuate this area due to 200 years of drought.

Xunantunich Ruins Tour

Xunantunich Ruins Tour

The tour guide will help you understand the daily life and experience of Mayans in Xunantunich. Some of the ruins that have been uncovered display Mayan houses and you can see where beds, stoves and saunas existed. There are also plazas, temples, ball courts, and the most prominent structure, The Castle. You will get an opportunity to climb to the top of The Castle and take in the incredible views! I also enjoyed learning the history of some of the hieroglyphs that have been preserved. Ultimately, these ruins are really impressive and you get a good sense of Mayan civilization packed into a small area.

Driving from Xunantunich Ruins to the Cave Tubing

Once you finish the tour of the Xunantunich Mayan Ruins, you hop in the van for the longest drive of the day. Thankfully our guide made a stop at a convenience store so we could pick up beers, ice cream and any other snack for the drive. It took about 1.5 hours to drive from the ruins to the cave tubing spot. At this point you will probably be hungry so it is great that there is a delicious meal ready to go when you arrive. I enjoyed the chicken with rice and beans before we geared up (life jackets & helmet headlamps) and started the Cave tubing portion of the day.

Jaguar Paw Cave System

Belize Cave Tubing

The cave system is called Nohoch Che’en Caves branch but most people refer to it as the Jaguar Cave System. These caves are unique because a slow flowing river passes through them making it the perfect spot for cave tubing. The adventure begins with a 30 minute walk. The trail is flat and easy and crosses through the river a couple times.  Elio made this walk exciting by showing us some of the flora and fauna along the way. We were able to try termites, sour sap and a few other leaves. By the time we reached the start point we were hot and ready to get in the water.

Entering the Cave System

Thankfully we did not have to carry our tubes on the walk. They were waiting for us at the start of the caves. We got to swim in the crystal clear pool for a few minutes before hoping into our tubes. I visited during May and it was one of the driest parts of the year so water levels were very low and the current was extra slow. We managed to float individually through the first section, but then Elio hooked our tubes all together and swam us the rest of the way.

The cave is so cool as you enter the bigger, darker section. It felt similar to being on a Disneyland ride because we were able to soak in the surroundings while our guide pulled us along and explained the intricacies of the cave. The stalactites and stalagmites are massive and really cool to check out in the cave. After about 30 minutes Elio pulled us over to a little waterfall and explained that we would be doing a little detour deeper into the cave.

Jaguar Paw Cave System

Exploring Deeper into the Jaguar Paw Caves

We left our tubes back at the river and proceeded towards the turquoise waters of the Cenote. Here we got to do a mini rock jump and start our journey into the cave. The walk wasn’t difficult, but you have to take caution because it can be slippery. There were also some areas where we needed to climb over rocks. Our guide always helped us and made sure we felt comfortable. Once you get deeper into the cave the crystal formations become really incredible. It felt like we were in the underworld and we even got to see Mayan artifacts that would have been used in ceremonies.

One of the coolest parts of exploring deep into this cave was when we reached the furthest point that we were able to go (technically it went on for miles more). Our guide asked us to turn off our lights and any electronics with light. Suddenly it was completely pitch black. I could not see a thing and there was no change in blackness whether I opened or closed my eyes. I thought this was so cool.

cave tubing belize

Returning to our tubes

The way back to our tubes went a bit faster because we were mostly swimming through the pools. The last section was really cool because we entered a bit of a tunnel formed by the stalactites. This whole adventure was such a surprise addition to the tour and I am so glad it was included because the cave was amazing. It is crazy that most of the tour groups completely skip this spot! One of the main reasons to book your tour with St. Leonard’s Tours

Cave Tubing in Belize

We returned to our tubes and linked up into our group again. Elio got his workout in for the day swimming our group of 6 through the rest of the cave. It is awe inspiring how beautiful the formations are in the cave. We were all sad when we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel signaling the end was near. Once we exited the cave we had a few more minutes of floating down the river surrounded by the lush forest. It felt nice to warm up a bit after being in the chilly cave.

Cave Tubing St Leonards Tours

Returning to San Ignacio

After we exited the water, we carried our tubes 5 minutes back to the parking lot. Here we got changed our of our wet clothes before starting the journey back to San Ignacio. Everyone was definitely tired after a big day, but we were all so stoked on what we had experienced! The Xunantunich and Cave Tubing was definitely the best thing to do in Belize.

Key Tips for the Xunantunich and Cave Tubing Tour

  • Sunscreen and a hat for the hot walk around the ruins
  • Water was included so you don’t need to bring much
  • Water shoes, sandals or sneakers that you don’t mind getting wet
  • Dry bag or phone protector (you can buy/rent these at the entrance)
  • Maybe some snacks/$ for snacks if you are someone who gets hungry quickly
  • Tips for your guide

Cave Tubing vs ATM Cave Belize

Xunantunich & Cave Tubing Tour vs ATM Cave Tour

I had the opportunity to do both of the cave experiences in San Ignacio and I preferred the Xunantunich Ruins and Cave Tubing over the ATM caves. Both tours take up most of the day, but I felt like this tour gave a more well rounded experience. The cave we explored during the cave tubing was more beautiful than the ATM cave. It is also better for people who are claustrophobic as it is more open. The ATM cave is also really cool and historically significant. It’s amazing to see the naturally preserved skeletons. Unfortunately you can’t bring a camera for the ATM tour so it was a bummer to not have any photos (totally understand why they don’t allow cameras/phones). If you have time to do both tours I definitely recommend that. Otherwise, I think the Xunantunich Ruins and Cave Tubing is a better option.

Book Your Xunantunich and Cave Tubing Tour Here

Xunantunich Ruins Tour St Leonards Tours

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